Our Own Electric Company, Part 4

July 27-29

As this is a big piece of our energy model for our Happy Boolo house, Mike and I were super excited for the actual solar install. It had been a pleasure to collaborate with Lisa Albrecht to design the optimal design. Of course Mike took the lead on this having a brain that is much more wired into the technical details. I was most excited when I heard from Lisa that we would really appreciate the approach of the Rethink Electric Team who would be installing the system. And she was spot-on in her assessment. They demonstrated an impressive degree of customer orientation and commitment to safety especially during these challenging pandemic times. They were a pleasure to have onsite and some of the most fun interviews I conducted. (See interviews at the end of the post.)

Rethink Electric is here to install solar.  Yay!!

Rethink Electric is here to install solar. Yay!!

Tall ladders and harnesses — solar team at work!

Tall ladders and harnesses — solar team at work!

30 second video of the Rethink Team on Day 1 of the solar install

Figuring out the AC disconnect location

Figuring out the AC disconnect location

Setting up the east roof array

Setting up the east roof array

Luis, the head of the crew, proactively and patiently explained various aspects of the work and our specific install, demystifying some of the terminology, clarifying some of the specifics of the install. Luis, Rolando and Steve worked efficiently to make our home an electric company within three days time.

2 min 30 second video — Luis patiently explains the unique placement of our panels on the lower roof, illustrating the natural interdependence of the trades in a renovation project

1 minute 40 second video — Luis demystifies that the panels are in some ways the easy part… the cherry on top

Rethink is serious about safety!

Rethink is serious about safety!

Setting up the ladder for Day 3 of the solar install

Setting up the ladder for Day 3 of the solar install

Team work in action

Team work in action

Getting the placement just right

Getting the placement just right

18 second video — Steve and Rolando navigating sunny heights… one tall ladder on one hot day!

23 second video — Completing the west roof array

Sun can’t wait to beam onto those panels!

Sun can’t wait to beam onto those panels!



Luis, Steve, and Rolando from Rethink Electric.  Thanks for the great work and amazing customer-orientation!

Luis, Steve, and Rolando from Rethink Electric. Thanks for the great work and amazing customer-orientation!

I had a blast interviewing this team. I learned how and why each of them got into the work, some of the challenges of the work, what they found unique about our project and what they appreciate about their company. Thanks guys for truly enjoyable and informative conversations!

The team shares what got them into this work and the larger purpose they see behind the work.

Luis, head of the crew, explains some of the many challenges involved in solar installation.

Steve and Rolando explain what they found unique about working on our project.

The team expresses appreciation for their company, Rethink Electric.

We’ll continue with how we’ll monitor our solar PV system’s output and follow-up at a later date with how the financials work!


Celeriac - like a pug, so ugly, it’s cute….I mean delicious!


Our Own Electric Company, Part 3