What - insulation outside? And a final anxious moment…

(April 2020)…As Mike will explain in an upcoming post about our house’s thermal envelope, our home’s energy efficiency is driven by how well insulated it is. So in April after much of the infrastructure rough-in was complete, siding experts from NJ Siding & Windows started their work of putting up our outside layer of insulation to make sure our house is snug and tight conserving energy throughout the year.

Moving up the house with the outside insulation

Moving up the house with the outside insulation

Nearly finished with the front

Nearly finished with the front

All in a day’s work

All in a day’s work

Continuing on the north side of the house - glad I don’t have to walk on those!

Continuing on the north side of the house - glad I don’t have to walk on those!

So I have to admit as much as I felt really good about our color palette, as soon as our siding team put up some samples of the siding as an example of the thermal envelope they were creating, I had a freakout moment. I was over at the house on a gray day (which didn’t help) and suddenly the siding looked awful on the house. I thought: “Did we choose totally wrong? Do we need to send this siding back? Is our house going to look this like it has a non-descript color when the siding goes up?” Of course, my brain recognized that it might have to do with the fact that the siding was against this extremely bright turquoise insulation. However, I was pretty worried for a moment and started madly sending pictures of and texts about this to Julie and Kerry who probably thought I was crazy as all the siding had arrived and was sitting on our driveway ready for installation. But as they have been with both Mike and me at different moments, they patiently waited it out and offered sound counsel reminding me: “This picture is taken against this really vibrant turquoise. The siding will look great once it all goes up!”

My freakout moment!

My freakout moment!

As I was driving around later I was trying to find other color palettes that ours reminded me of. I saw this gray house and thought - well perhaps our house will look gray - gray actually can be quite pretty! But then I thought: “I really want this house to look green. I’m feeling great about green now, and I love its connection to the land. Let’s hope that our designer team is right and our final palette will support our Happy Boolo vision of a house that fits into the beautiful greenery around it!”

Well what about gray as an option?

Well what about gray as an option?

Maybe we need to consider this palette instead!

Maybe we need to consider this palette instead!

If you missed my original color anxious moments, check out The Color Quandary.

Luckily the ending of the color story is VERY happy.


“I love the color of your house!”


Now, what exactly is “LEED” again?