Our House Gets A Proper Hat
(March/April 2020) During all the rough-in activity, our Happy Boolo home also got a hat - aka a proper roof.
At the end of March, experts from Custom Roofing completed the first key step in building out the garage roof terrace: installing an impermeable membrane on the garage roof. In line with our functionality principle, this impermeable membrane means that this new outside space can serve multiple functions: 1) a terrace upon which to grow sun-loving crops 2) a terrace upon which to enjoy good food with friends, neighbors and 3) a surface from which to capture rainwater for our garden.
The membrane is pitched away from the house so that as rainwater falls on the (FSC) tropical wood Bison tiles above (which will be installed later on in the reno process), it will collect water in two corners of the roof —- the southeast and southwest — to feed into our storm-water harvesting system.
On March 25th, within a single day, two experts from Custom Roofing installed the impermeable membrane on the garage roof. It was fascinating to learn that the team installing this type of roof would be different from the team installing the shingled roof a week later. They are each trained, and consequently, experts in installing specific roofing material.
On April 2nd a large crew of roofing experts from Custom Roofing came to install the roofing shingles on our main roof. I remember driving by the house early that morning surprised to see men hopping, bending, kneeling, maneuvering about the roof as though they were on level ground. Seeing their elongated ladders stretching all the way to the upper roof made me feel uneasy - I’m not a fan of ladders especially really tall ladders. In our house, Mike is always the one getting on any ladder whether inside or outside the house; my highest height is our stepstool to reach into a top cabinet. I’m sure our neighbors have chuckled when they have seen me trying to reach high-up berries on our serviceberry tree from our short step stool out on the driveway. But these guys were completely at home scaling up and down those ladders making it look easy peasy and almost fun! It was clear that they worked together like a well-oiled machine, . They worked so efficiently, they finished the entire two levels of roof in one half day. They were so quick I only made it back to the house in time to say a quick “thank you!” Now our home would be protected from those heavy spring rains. Thanks to the team at Custom Roofing our home has a proper hat!
Thanks to the teams at Custom Roofing, our house now has a hat!