A Cornucopia of Thanks

During our Happy Boolo Project, we discovered several treasures hidden in the walls of our home — first a box of old slides and second a 117 year-old rifle. In later February, Sebastian and his team from Excellent Carpentry discovered the third treasure as they were re-pitching the back roof and preparing to frame the new floor: an original piece of artwork on wood by one of the home’s original owners, Mrs. Veronica White.

Sitting on top of architectural plans at the construction site days after it was discovered

Sitting on top of architectural plans at the construction site days after it was discovered

Artist’s signature on back

Artist’s signature on back

Given our love of growing our own food, finding a painting of a bountiful harvest felt like another "universe moment.” And it reminded us of how fortunate we were to have bought our home from the original homeowners who had so lovingly cared for the 1964 split-level and made it the easy choice as we were looking to buy our first home. Solid walls, well-cared for wood floors, and a spacious backyard were all features that inspired us to buy.

So we felt it appropriate to share our story of Treasure #3 over the Thanksgiving holiday. Amazing to think that eight months after we discovered our third treasure, we are nearing the completion of our Happy Boolo renovation project, and reaching nearly five months of being online with a website and a blog with a growing number of subscribers. We are so grateful to be able to do this renovation despite the pandemic and family health challenges. We are so grateful for our amazing Drury Lane neighborhood who have served as inspiration for our project, for our family and friends who have inspired and encouraged us in this endeavor, for all those who have contributed their expertise and skills to the home-build and to all those visiting our website and subscribing to our blog. It is the communities in our lives who bring meaning and joy to our everyday, so thank you for being a part of our journey and for making our life a bountiful harvest.

No matter where in the world you may be, we give thanks and are grateful you are a part of our Happy Boolo community.

While the pandemic has kept many from gathering in large groups for Thanksgiving, we are grateful our blog gives us the opportunity to share our Thanksgiving feast with others as spending a day in a day in the kitchen together making “good feeud” has been a source of inspiration for our Happy Boolo Project. We can’t wait to do this in-person once again.

Included in our spread was the celery root potato mash featured last week as a blog post. This year I was on a mission to master homemade dinner rolls and after recipe research and three tries, I nailed it. Excited to share the joy of making your own dinner rolls this winter — buttery and perfect as accompaniment to a dinner or as a bun for a mini-sandwich!

Brined, Roasted Turkey  & Gravy I Cranberry & Seed Stuffing I Corn, Lima Bean, Red Pepper Succotash I Maple Pecan Saddleback Squash I Broccoli & Cheese Sauce I Celery Root & Potato Mash.  Not pictured:  Handed-down Jello Salad I Oran…

Brined, Roasted Turkey & Gravy I Cranberry & Seed Stuffing I Corn, Lima Bean, Red Pepper Succotash I Maple Pecan Saddleback Squash I Broccoli & Cheese Sauce I Celery Root & Potato Mash. Not pictured: Handed-down Jello Salad I Orange Cranberry Sauce I Variety Apple Sauce I Dinner Rolls

“Do-Dad” and Amy

“Do-Dad” and Amy

“Moo-Mom” and Mike

“Moo-Mom” and Mike

Toast with Raspberry-Mulled Wine — upcoming drink recipe post for a cold winter’s day!   Thanks to Mike for being our family mixologist!

Toast with Raspberry-Mulled Wine — upcoming drink recipe post for a cold winter’s day! Thanks to Mike for being our family mixologist!

Time to dig in (btw this is Amy’s plate where it’s fine if all the food cozies up together).  If this were Mike’s plate, you would see a much cleaner layout — otherwise the glockija factor goes way up!

Time to dig in (btw this is Amy’s plate where it’s fine if all the food cozies up together). If this were Mike’s plate, you would see a much cleaner layout — otherwise the glockija factor goes way up!

Us with the picture on turkey day.JPG

Special thanks to the Whites on this Thanksgiving Weekend for selling us the original 631 N. Drury Lane that turned into our Happy Boolo Project! We will restore this and make sure it finds a place on our wall!

Wishing everyone who reads this a safe and satisfying finish to 2020!


Cranberries & Drury Lane Neighbors: Two of My Favorite Things


Our Own Electric Company, Part 5